Over Exfoliation Mistakes: How to Revive and Protect Your Skin


Run a search on "Over-exfoliation" on the internet. You'll see lots of posts offering one or two advice on what to do and what not to do. Most of these posts present wrong and misleading information on exfoliating to the detriment of the readers. And while it's difficult to discern between good and bad information, this article provides all you need to know about over-exfoliating and how to provide your skin.

Signs of Over Exfoliation 

For newbies looking to include exfoliation into their routine, it's common to ask questions like: "What does over-exfoliated skin look like?" As professionals, we understand that once you've experienced the immediate, glowing results of a proper exfoliating routine, it's normal to become immediately obsessed. However, continual exfoliation without regard to professional advice can cause the following damages.
over exfoliated skin

Irritation and Visible Redness

The first sign of over-exfoliation is irritated and visibly red skin, which is particularly noticeable in lighter skin. When you over-exfoliate using chemical or physical exfoliating products, it destroys the skin's protective barrier and removes healthy skin cells. A damaged skin barrier exhibits redness and may aggravate when you come in contact with the sun or other products.

Increased Oiliness and Sebum Production: 

Over-exfoliation can also trigger excessive oil and sebum production. For people with oily and sensitive skin, over exfoliation can cause dehydration and trigger more oil production to overcompensate for the dryness. While we want that dewy, hydrating look that comes with exfoliating, it's important to tackle sudden excessive oiliness.

Flakiness and Dry Skin

Flakiness is yet another sign of what happens if you over exfoliate. If you've been using more exfoliating products consistently, you may notice that your complexion feels flaky and dry. Dermatologists advise you to apply a moisturizer to your face after exfoliating to prevent further dryness and flakiness. So, the answer to the famous "Should I moisturize after exfoliating?" question is YES. We recommend Clarasome moisturizer, a hyaluronic acid-infused moisturizer that helps look in moisture and prevent dryness and flakiness. 

Increased Sensitivity: 

Exfoliation can cause increased sensitivity to the sun and other skin products. If your skin suddenly feels tingling or burning when you step into the sunlight or use products like Vitamin C. We advise you to stop exfoliating for some weeks to allow the skin to recover. 

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Can over-exfoliating cause acne?

Here’s the question of the day: Can over exfoliating cause acne? Short answer: Yes, an over exfoliated skin is prone to acne. Although proper exfoliating comes with numerous benefits that can transform your skin, over-exfoliating can reduce all your progress to nothing. An over exfoliated skin can cause small, bumpy blemishes, and over time, these blemishes develop into breakouts and cause hyperpigmentation. 

Best Practices for Healing Over Exfoliated Skin 

Are you suffering from an over exfoliated skin, and you are frantically running a search on "What is the fastest way to heal over exfoliated skin?" Luckily, there are ways to help heal your skin and return it to normalcy. For sensitive or inflamed skin, apply a cool compress by placing a cool washcloth on the inflamed area. Place the washcloth for some minutes or until your skin's sensitivity reduces. Resist the urge to scrub or rub the washcloth all over your face as it can worsen inflammation.

Ditch your foaming cleanser for a gentle, non-foaming cleanser like Claraprep. Pair it with cool water and ensure you wash your face gently. Hot water could further irritate your skin and worsen your sensitivity. While you heal, avoid certain products that can worsen irritation. Products like anti-aging creams and serums, exfoliants, and retinol can cause further exfoliation. Allow your skin to heal completely before applying them. 

After applying your Claraprep moisturizer, dab on a hydrocortisone cream twice daily. Since hydrocortisone creams can help ease irritation and reduce inflammation, put them on irritated areas on your skin. If you cannot avoid the sun, use sunscreens or sun protection products on your face to protect your skin and reduce sunburn. It's important to protect your over exfoliated skin at all times, as the sun can hinder your healing process and cause photodamage. 
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How long to heal over exfoliated skin 

It takes at least two to six weeks to heal an over exfoliated skin. Healing may take more or less time as it depends on several conditions. Some people tend to heal injuries faster without professional help, while others may require a dermatologist. As long as you adhere to professional advice, you are bound to see a noticeable difference within 2 to 6 weeks. 

When can you start exfoliating again? 

Here's a question we come across daily: How long to heal over exfoliated skin? A short answer is 2 to 4 weeks, but it depends. As much as you are eager to start exfoliating again, moving too fast can cause more damage to your already damaged skin. Before you begin, make sure your skin has fully healed and you don't experience pain, tingling, or sensitivity. 

Start exfoliating once a week with a mild chemical exfoliant. Do this for a few weeks before increasing it to twice a week and finally introduce a physical exfoliant as you feel more comfortable. As you exfoliate, we recommend you include some restorative and repairing skin products into your regimen. You can use Dermaclara silicone patches for a few hours to deeply hydrate and protect the skin. 
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How to Exfoliate Correctly and Avoid Future Damage

Before you exfoliate, choose your preferred exfoliant: It can either be physical or chemical. Physical exfoliants vary and can range from an exfoliating brush, sponge, glove, or scrub. They are designed to physically slough dirt from the skin and can be abrasive. Chemical exfoliants include Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and Beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs). 

These acids work by breaking the bonds holding the dead cells to your skin and include salicylic acid. glycolic acid, and lactic acid. You can either choose one or use both exfoliants. However, physical exfoliants can cause damage to dry, sensitive, and combination skin. For chemical exfoliants, apply the acids evenly onto a clean, damp face and wait for 10 to 20 minutes before washing it off. 

Apply the physical exfoliant, particularly scrub, onto a wet face and massage it in a circular motion for 1 to 2 minutes before washing it off. Pair your favorite cleanser or body wash with an exfoliating brush, sponge, or glove, and massage your skin for 5 to 10 minutes before washing off. Rinse and apply your desired moisturizer.

over exfoliated skin

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