Are Stretch Marks Genetic?

It doesn’t matter if you are a teenager or full grown adult stretch marks will find you. But the question remains, “are stretch marks genetic?” Let’s take a look below and learn why stretch marks appear and whether they are hereditary or actually avoidable.
When Do Stretch Marks Appear?
Stretch marks usually appear due to rapid expansion of the skin and are commonly associated with weight gain or loss. You will notice stretch marks during puberty, growth spurts, muscle growth, and pregnancy. The speed of change during this time leads to a rupture in the skin, or scar, that appears as a stretch mark. Stretch marks are scars.
Why Do You Get Stretch Marks?
Well, you get stretch marks because you are growing or shrinking. Imagine a balloon expanding. The balloon will pop or rupture when it no longer has enough elasticity or space to grow. Skin is not unlike this balloon. It needs the preparation, space, and care to expand or shrink. In the case of skin, the skin needs elastin and collagen in order to accommodate change. During puberty, muscle growth, weight loss, pregnancy, or other times of quick change, elastin and collagen can’t keep up and will lead to stretch marks.
Are Pregnancy Stretch Marks Hereditary?
Stretch marks during pregnancy are very common. Eight out of ten pregnant women develop stretch marks. Stretch marks during pregnancy are also hereditary, meaning stretch marks are genetic. You will most likely develop them if your grandmother or mother has them. You can notice them anywhere; some mamas-to-be even find pregnancy stretch marks on hips.
Are Stretch Marks with Second Pregnancy Normal?
It is the sad but honest truth, but just because you didn’t get stretch marks with your first child does not mean you won't get stretch marks with your second or any of the following. Stretch marks during pregnancy depend on genetics, skin type, weight, and hormones. See our latest blog to learn about when stretch marks appear during pregnancy.

Are Stretch Marks Normal in Puberty?
As we said above, puberty is a typical time to develop stretch marks. Pre-teens and teenagers are constantly growing or growing in rapid spurts, which means they are ideal candidates for stretch marks. Whether it is weight gain or sprouting up a whole foot overnight, stretch marks will appear.
How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks on Kids?
A lot of the solutions for stretch marks are less than kid friendly. The typical solutions that pop up for erasing stretch marks are microdermabrasion, laser treatment, and prescription creams. These procedures are invasive, intimidating, expensive, may contain potentially harmful ingredients, and can be intense for a young person to endure.
Dermaclara is the solution for how to get rid of stretch marks on kids. It is non-invasive, chemical-free, dermatologist-approved, and cost-efficient. Unlike other brands that rely on harsh ingredients, Dermaclara stimulates what is already there.
Dermaclara silicone patches create a microclimate between the skin and the seal of the patch, stimulating collagen and elastin and boosting moisture. This process effectively heals and fades stretch marks.
It doesn’t matter if they are new from a recent growth spurt or old stretch marks from weight gain; Dermaclara can erase them.
Quick Tip: New vs Old Stretch Marks
New stretch marks come in various shades of pink, red, or purple. As time goes on, stretch marks fade into a silvery-white that contrasts with the surrounding skin. New stretch marks also itch because the skin is thin and healing. Basically, the color of the stretch mark indicates how fresh it is.
Are Stretch Marks Avoidable?
The answer to this question depends on the following question, “are stretch marks genetic?” Again, if you notice your family members have stretch marks, you will likely join the crew. But, it is generally safe to say that stretch marks are unavoidable. Although, you can make some lifestyle changes to help reduce the potential of stretch marks. See below for our tips for smooth, flawless skin.
Drink Plenty of Water
Being adequately hydrated means the skin is also hydrated, meaning it is softer and more flexible. We recommend drinking 72 ounces of water a day, or nine cups. If you drink caffeinated beverages, be sure to increase your water intake to combat the dehydration effects of caffeine. Caffeine increases the risk of developing stretch marks.
Increase Vitamin D
Healthy levels of Vitamin D help reduce the risk of stretch marks. So, feel free to take a walk to catch some rays, but please do so after putting on SPF 30 and wearing sun protection. You can also find Vitamin D in bread, some cereals, milk, and yogurt.
Monitor Your Weight
Weight gain and loss are the main factors for stretch marks occurring. Work with your doctor or health care professional to develop a safe and healthy relationship with monitoring your weight.
Eat Skin-Health-Boosting Foods
The more colorful your plate, the higher the likelihood that you are eating skin-health-boosting foods. Prioritize foods high in Vitamins C, D, E, and Zinc. Think fish, avocados, nuts, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and tomatoes. There is an entire internet full of healthy recipes that support skin health and aging gracefully. Additionally, make sure you are eating unprocessed foods.
How to Use Dermaclara Silicone Patches
Whether you are using Dermaclara on yourself during or after pregnancy or helping your kid use Dermaclara to tackle stretch marks, follow the below steps to start seeing change. You will notice a difference after a single use but for lasting results, incorporate Dermaclara into your daily routine for three to six months.
Prep the Area
Begin by cleaning the area with a cleanser. We recommend Claraprep because it is soft and gentle but clears dirt, sweat, and makeup effectively.
Apply Dermaclara Silicone Patches
Apply the forehead, eye, mouth, neck, or chest silicone patches. Our patches are versatile, so feel free to place them anywhere you think you need a boost. If you are assisting your kid, teenage puberty stretch marks on back are common, so you may be helping them place the patches back there. If you recently had a baby, you may apply them to your postpartum belly stretch marks. Leave them on for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
Carefully Remove & Store Dermaclara Silicone Patches
Gently remove the patches and clean them with Patch Prep. This formula is engineered and designed to re-activate adhesive properties in-between treatments, so you get the most out of your patches. Dermaclara patches can be reused 15 - 30 times. Let them dry before reapplying them to the backing card.

Returning to the Main Question: Are Stretch Marks Genetic?
This may have been a long-winded answer to a seemingly simple answer, but stretch marks are not simple. We learned that stretch marks are genetic but that so many other factors account for them cropping up. We learned tips to avoid stretch marks and the ultimate solution for how to erase them! So, get your hands on Dermaclara and get Dermaclara on your skin. We hope you love your results!
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