Perfecting Your Skincare Approach for Combination Skin

combination skin
Achieving a radiant complexion is possible as long as you understand your skin type, which can either be oily, sensitive, normal, or a combination, and use the right skin products. But what do you do when your skin type is a combination of two types that require contrasting skin products? This article discusses how to achieve healthy skin for people with combination skin.

What is combination skin? 

Before we explain "what is combination skin," perform this little experiment with us. First, wash your face with your normal cleanser, rinse, and wait for an hour. Feel your skin and observe it in a mirror for any physical changes and match it with the following descriptions. If your skin feels dry, tight, and flaky in other areas of your face but feels oily around your T-zone, then you have combination skin.

Combination skin refers to a skin type that shows the qualities of two or more kinds of skin types, usually oily and dry skin types. People with combination skin may experience fluctuating differences during different weather conditions. Combination skin is said to be one of the most common types of skincare in the world and is often mistaken for another kind of skin type. 

People with combination skin also have large skin pores, particularly around their T-zone area, as it secretes sebum (oil) that lubricates the skin and makes it shiny. However, these pores can get blocked by dead skin cells and cause acne. Although this is not a major indicator for women with combination skin, they deal with dandruff, that is, dry, flaky skin on their scalp.

What causes combination skin?

The main cause of combination skin is the presence of overactive sebaceous glands around the T-zone. However, the overproduction of oil from these glands can be caused by several different factors, including hormones, genetics, lifestyle, and weather conditions. Although these factors are mostly beyond human control, lifestyle changes, the use of the right skin products and a good skincare routine for combination skin can help.

combination skin

How to treat combination skin 

Looking for ways to help manage and treat your combination skin type? The following are helpful procedures to help treat your combination skin;

Use a gentle facial cleanser

Many people with combination skin opt for a harsh cleanser to dry out their oily T-zone to achieve a balanced skin type. But, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), people with combination skin should opt for a gentle cleanser that won't strip the skin of its natural oil to reduce sensitivity and irritation.

Include routine exfoliating into your skin regimen

Combination skin tends to have dead cells that dull the shine and radiance of the skin. To ensure you remain glowy, exfoliating your skin with a chemical or physical exfoliant can keep your complexion smooth and remove the dirt and dead skin cells at the surface.

Hands off your face

As a budding skincare enthusiast, it can be quite difficult to remove your hands from your face completely. This is because touching your face is a hobby for many. However, do you know that your hands are home to millions of germs and bacteria that get transferred to your face each time you touch it? These bacteria grow and clog your pores, which then causes acne breakouts. So, to avoid frequent breakouts, keep your hands away from your face.

Instead, blot away sebum with blotting papers

There tend to be high oil deposits in the T-zone area of those with combination skin. Instead of having your sleeves or a cloth to dry them, we recommend using blotting papers. These papers fit into your purse easily and remove every trace of oil on your face, keeping it clean and dry. 

Treat your drier areas with targeted skin products

Another essential combination skincare routine is to target drier areas of your face. These areas are particularly underneath the eyes and the lips as they require special products to keep them moisturized. You can do this with an eye cream and a moisturizing lip balm.

combination skin

What is not ideal for combination skin? 

As someone with combination skin, there are certain skin products you should be wary of as they do more harm than good. Some of these products include the following:

Excessively fragrant products

While non-sensitive skin types may tolerate it, people with combination skin are bound to react negatively to highly fragrant products. Some people may experience rashes while others may have severe acne breakouts. The right moisturizers for combination skin should have little or no fragrance to reduce your chances of breaking out or having rashes.

Heavy moisturizers

Contrary to numerous opinions, heavy moisturizers are bad for combination skin. They may help the drier parts of the face but will clog your oily T-zones and encourage the formation of acne and blackheads. Instead, opt for a water-based moisturizer and ensure you are more generous to the drier parts of your face during application.

Clay face masks

Many social media influencers may swear that clay masks can solve all skin issues, but this is untrue for people with combination skin. Clay may help your oily T-zone but will dry out the other areas of your skin. Use a soothing sheet mask if you plan on using a face mask.

Is hyaluronic acid good for combination skin? 

Hyaluronic acid is beneficial for combination skin as it helps maintain and hydrate the skin without aggravating the oiliness of your T-zone. It serves as a lipid barrier enhancement that protects the skin's top layer from toxins and acts as a natural barrier that locks moisture. 

Clarasome moisturizer is undoubtedly the best moisturizer for combination skin as it contains hyaluronic acid that moisturizes the dry areas of the skin and protects it from external pollutants.

What is the best skincare routine for combination skin?

The best skin routine for combination skin must help lock in moisture for the dry areas and also maintain the oiliness of the T-zone. The following simple skin routine can help combination skin: 

  • Cleanse your skin with Claraprep facial cleanser, which is the best cleanser for combination skin on the market. It eliminates dirt and helps maintain the skin's natural moisture.
  • Use the best toner for combination skin you can lay your hands on to get rid of any oil that was stripped off during cleansing
  • Use your hydrating serums 
  • Follow up with moisturizers and finish up with sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more.

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