Balancing Act: A Comprehensive Guide to Oily Skin Care

oily skinPhoto:@cailastevensss

It can be quite a challenge battling with oily skin as the skincare market is filled with numerous products that promise to solve one skin issue or another. Nevertheless, with the right routine and products, you can manage your oily skin type efficiently with the right routine and products. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to treat oily skin, including common treatments for oily skin.

What causes oily skin? 

If you are one of the many people with oily skin, it can be quite a wonder to know that your skin produces this much oil. Oily skin is a result of overactive sebaceous glands located on the skin. These glands secrete sebum, a viscous fluid consisting of free fatty acids, cholesterol esters, and free sterols.

Sebum is an essential natural oil that keeps the skin moisturized. However, excessive sebum secretion can cause greasy skin and cause acne once it comes in contact with bacteria. In addition to acne, excess sebum can cause seborrhea, a chronic form of eczema. People with oily skin also have larger skin pores and, thus, are prone to clogged pores, blackheads, blemishes, and other skin imperfections. The following are common triggers and cures for oily skin;


Your genes play a major role in dictating your skin type and if one or both of your parents have oily skin, there is a high tendency that you will also have oily skin.


According to recent studies, facial pore size and sebum secretion are dependent on the race and ethnicity of the person. The research documented in the Journal of Dermatological Science showed that Asians have smaller pore sizes than other races and ethnicities. On the other hand, African Americans had larger pore size and density, attributed to high sebum secretion and acne breakouts.


Your hormonal balance goes hand in hand with sebum output and this is a testament to the fact that your skin feels oilier before and during your periods. The hormone responsible for increased sebum production is Androgen, a male hormone commonly found in both males and females.


For some people, consuming oily foods or sugary drinks can increase their sebum production and trigger excess sebum production. People who experience this should avoid sugary drinks or consume them in smaller amounts. 


Stress can also affect oil production by triggering the hormone cortisol. This explains why you have more acne breakouts when you sleep less than the recommended 8 hours of sleep. 
oily skin care

What are the benefits of oily skin? 

Most times, oily skin can seem burdensome, but there are benefits of oily skin over other skin types.

Strong skin defense system 

The skin has a defense system that protects from external toxins and pollutants, but for people with oily skin, this defense is heightened. Due to the excessive sebum production, the skin is shielded with Vitamin E and beneficial fatty acids, preventing the entry of environmental contaminants.

People with oily skin age slower and have less wrinkles 

Oily skin tends to be thicker skin due to the overproduction of sebum that protects it from pollution. And thicker skin is known to experience less aging and wrinkles, unlike other skin types. Thus, aging slower than others is one of the many pros of oily skin.

Less UV damage

For people with normal or dry skin, sun rays can cause considerable damage to the skin and increase the chances of getting sunburns and even cancer. But you with oily skin have more resistance to sun damage as your sebum production protects your skin and reduces the effects of these damaging UV rays. However, having oily skin does not mean you no longer need sunscreen protection.

How to know if you have oily skin 

Before you affirm that your skin is oily, it should possess certain qualities. Here's how to know if you have oily skin using the following feature;

  • Dewy or greasy skin, especially around the T-zone area (the T-zone includes your nose, forehead, and sometimes your cheeks)
  • Oily feel when you touch your skin
  • Oily skin pores
  • Whiteheads and blackheads on your nose, chin, and cheeks
  • Pimples around the chest, back, and arms 
  • Regular acne breakouts
  • Oily hair that requires frequent washing

oily skin care

What to use for oily skin? 

Oily skin is one of the most common skin concerns that require specific akin products to prevent acne breakouts and maintain a shiny complexion. Rather than taking guesswork out of how to care for an oily complexion, this section highlights what to use for oily skin and how to take care of oily skin.

Use a gentle cleanser that removes excess oil on your face. We recommend Claraprep facial cleanser that removes debris from the skin without drying or stripping away all the essential moisture. You can also combine it with a cleansing balm or oil to maintain hydration. As someone with oily skin, a toner can help balance the PH of your skin and remove extra dirt and debris. Make sure you avoid astringent toners that draw out moisture without adding oil back to the skin.

Get a water-based moisturizer to help with hydration. Avoid oil-based, heavy moisturizers that can clog your skin pores; instead, look for moisturizers that contain non-greasy emollients like ceramides or niacinamide. Wear a noncomedogenic, oil-free screen with an SPF of 30 and above.

How do you balance oily skin?

As you follow the above skin procedures, endeavor to balance your oily skin type with other additional products. Here, we discuss some tips for oily skin as well as what helps oily skin.

For severe acne breakouts due to excessive sebum production, use acne medications like retinoids and topical niacinamide to treat and manage them. Incorporate certain active ingredients like salicylic acid to manage oil production. Salicylic acid is a lipophilic, beta-hydroxy acid that breaks down excess oil. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can penetrate deep into the pores and unclog debris; thus, it is an essential oily skin face care treatment.

In a bid to balance your skin with the right products, do not fall for any products that promise to be formulated for oily skin only. These products work by minimizing oiliness, which can worsen your skin condition to get rid of oily skin. Many of these products are developed with harsh alcohols and chemicals that sweep away every last drop of sebum your glands produce.
oily skin care

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