C-section Scar Healing Stages

scar healing stages

Cesarean section (C-section) delivery is a common procedure used to deliver a baby when a vaginal delivery is not possible or safe. However, like any surgical procedure, C-section delivery leaves a scar requiring proper care. Below we review the healing stages and share tips for properly caring for your C-section scar and reducing the risk of complications.


Hemostasis is the first stage of the C-section recovery timeline. It begins immediately after the surgery and lasts about one to two days. During this stage, the body tries to stop bleeding by forming a blood clot at the incision site. The blood clot acts as a barrier to prevent blood from leaking out of the wound and helps to seal the wound. Keeping the wound clean and dry is essential to avoid infection and to promote healing during this period.

Inflammation Stage

Inflammation is second in the C-section scar healing stages. This stage lasts for about three to five days. During this time, the body's immune system responds to the injury by sending white blood cells to the wound site. The white blood cells help to remove any bacteria or debris that may have entered the wound and prevent infection. The wound may become red, swollen, and tender during this stage. The inflammation stage is a natural part of the healing process, but it is essential to keep the wound clean and avoid touching it to prevent further damage.

Proliferation Stage

Proliferation is the third stage of the healing process. This stage begins about five days after the surgery and lasts up to two weeks. During this stage, the body starts to rebuild the tissues that were damaged during the surgery. New blood vessels and skin cells grow, and the wound begins to close. It is crucial to keep the wound moist during this stage to prevent it from drying out and to promote faster healing.

Maturation Stage

The maturation stage is the final stage and begins about two weeks after the surgery and can last up to two years. During this stage, the scar tissue begins to mature and become stronger. The scar may become lighter and less visible over time. It is essential to protect the scar from sun exposure during this stage to prevent it from becoming darker.

scar healing stages

Types of C-section Incisions

There are several types of C-section incisions, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Low Transverse Incision C-section

The most common type of C-section incision is the low transverse incision. This incision is made horizontally across the lower part of the uterus, just above the pubic bone. Most OB-GYNs prefer the low transverse incision because it is associated with less blood loss, a lower risk of complications, and a faster recovery time compared to other incision types.

Classical Incision C-section

Another type of C-section incision is the classical incision. This incision is vertical and is made in the midline of the uterus. Classical incisions are rarely used because they are associated with a higher risk of complications, such as heavy bleeding, infection, and uterine rupture in future pregnancies.

Vertical Incision C-section

A vertical incision is sometimes used in special circumstances. This incision is made vertically in the midline of the uterus, extending from the navel to the pubic bone. Vertical incisions are often used in cases where there is a risk of excessive bleeding or if the baby is in a difficult position for delivery. Although vertical incisions allow for greater access to the uterus, they are associated with a higher risk of complications, a longer recovery time, and a greater risk of infection.

Women planning a C-section should discuss their options with their OB-GYN and choose the type of incision best for their situation.

How Long Does a C-section Scar Take to Heal?

It takes six to eight weeks for a C-section scar to simply heal. But altogether, from hemostasis to maturation, it takes up to two years for the scar to form and become less visible. It is essential to care for the wound during the healing process and attend follow-up appointments with your doctor to monitor progress. Below are some tips for caring for your healed C-section scar.

Keep the Wound Clean and Dry

To avoid infection, gently wash the wound with soap and water and pat it dry with a clean towel. Avoid rubbing the area, and don't use ointments or creams unless prescribed by your doctor.

Avoid Lifting Heavy Objects

Lifting anything heavier than your baby can strain the incision site and delay healing.

Wear Loose Clothing

Tight clothing can irritate the wound, so opt for loose, breathable fabrics like cotton.

Stay Active

Light exercise can help prevent blood clots and promote healing. Ask your doctor when it's safe to start exercising again.

Before and After C-section Scar Removal

If you aren’t happy with your C-section scar, you are not alone, and there are many scar removal methods to explore.

Laser Therapy

This method uses a laser to break down scar tissue and promote the growth of new, healthy skin. It's a non-invasive procedure that typically requires several sessions. Laser therapy effectively reduces the appearance of scars, but it can be expensive.

Surgical Excision

This method involves cutting out the scar tissue and stitching the skin back together. It's a more invasive procedure that requires anesthesia and can leave a new scar. Surgical excision is best for large or thick scars.


This method involves using a small, high-speed instrument to sand away the top layers of skin. It's a minimally invasive procedure that can improve the texture and appearance of scars. Dermabrasion is effective for shallow scars but may require multiple sessions.

Scar removal is a personal decision that should be made in consultation with your doctor. Consider the risks and benefits of each method, and discuss your expectations and concerns with your doctor.

Best C-section Scar Removal Method

If you're looking for a non-invasive, affordable, and effective solution for your C-section scar, Dermaclara is the answer.


Dermaclara is a silicone patch that promotes collagen production and reduces the appearance of scars. Unlike surgical methods or laser therapy, there is no need for anesthesia, surgery, or any downtime or recovery period.


Compared to the scar removal methods we listed above, Dermaclara is highly affordable. Dermaclara silicone patches can be reused up to 30 times, elongating the solution and saving you money.


Clinical studies have shown that Dermaclara reduces the appearance of scars by up to 90%! Dermaclara patches naturally boost collagen and elastin production and improve the overall texture and tone of the skin in just one use.

Easy To Use

Dermaclara patches are simple to use. You apply the patch over your scar and leave it on for several hours or wear it overnight to get care while you sleep. It's that simple!

scar healing stages

Follow the steps below to start integrating Dermaclara into your daily routine.

Step 1: Prep Your Skin

Clean your face with Claraprep, our soft and gentle cleanser.

Step 2: Apply Dermaclara Patches

Apply to the décolletagé and set the timer for 15 to 20 minutes.

Step 3: Gently Peel Off Patches

Delicately remove the patches and clean them with Patch Prep. Let them dry before reapplying them to the backing card. Dermaclara patches can be reused up to 30 times.

Dermaclara is the best pregnancy and postnatal-safe skincare. We aim to give you the skin you deserve and care for you. The journey to rediscover your body after giving birth is long, and Dermaclara has the facts, tips, and tools to stand with you the whole way.

c section scar removal


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